UCA News

Caritas Vietnam supermarkets benefit people in need

Zero dong mini supermarkets are an innovation in charitable activities
People 'buy' goods at Chan Thien Zero Dong Mini Supermarket at Hai Phong Bishop's House on Aug. 15

People 'buy' goods at Chan Thien Zero Dong Mini Supermarket at Hai Phong Bishop's House on Aug. 15. (Photo: gphaiphong.org)

Published: August 19, 2022 04:21 AM GMT
Updated: August 19, 2022 05:45 AM GMT

Thousands of people in sticky situations in a northern city have been provided with free basic needs with dignity by a Caritas charity mini supermarket.

On Aug. 15, Caritas in Hai Phong marked the first anniversary of the establishment of the Chan Thien Zero Dong Mini Supermarket at Hai Phong Bishop's House.

“Chan Thien” means “truth and goodness.”

Present at the celebration were Caritas workers, representatives from local government and charities, and 250 customers.

Father Joseph Nguyen Van Vang, head of Caritas in Hai Phong, said that the mini supermarket was founded last year to offer the bare necessities of life to those adversely affected by tough restrictions on travel to contain the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic.

Father Vang said although "zero dong" mini supermarkets in other places were closed after the prolonged pandemic was controlled, the mini supermarket run by Caritas in Hai Phong still operates to meet the needs of many poor people.

"The mini supermarket is a channel to promote mutual support and Christian charity"

Noting that love is always creative, he said the zero dong mini supermarkets are an innovation in charitable activities. They not only are convenient for recipients to get what they need but treat them humanely like buyers.

Caritas in Hai Phong said that poor people are given a “gift voucher” worth 200,000 dong (US$9) each and they can buy rice, instant noodles, salt, sugar, fish sauce, oil cooking, and other goods according to their needs from the mini supermarket.

It said so far Caritas in Hai Phong has given 3,710 vouchers to people in need.

Father Vang said to ensure all disadvantaged people are served, Caritas workers also “transport and sell goods” to people in remote areas and a leprosarium.

He said the mini supermarket, which receives donations from local benefactors, tries to generate income to maintain its activities permanently by trading other consumer goods made by religious orders and Catholics.

He said the mini supermarket is a channel to promote mutual support and Christian charity among local people. “It proves that love always has miracles of truth and goodness,” he said.

"Caritas' activities and the supermarket help many people overcome adversities"

During the event, Pham Van Huan, chairman of the Association for Protection of Orphans and Disabled Children in Hai Phong, said: “Caritas' activities and the supermarket help many people overcome adversities and leave no one behind.”

Nguyen Thi Thanh Van, head of the Fatherland Front Committee of Hong Bang district, recognized the great contributions of local Caritas workers in the fight against poverty.

She called on Caritas workers to continue their charitable activities to alleviate people's poverty.

After the ceremony, 190 poor people and 60 orphans were given vouchers to buy goods from the mini supermarket.

An old woman from Phan Boi Chau Ward said she is happy to buy goods here.

The woman, who has suffered tuberculosis for three years, said "I am so miserable and sometimes want to die to end my suffering. My children abuse illegal drugs, get drunk and divorced."

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