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Indonesians urged to promote honesty

Indonesians urged to promote honesty

Elementary school children answer questions at a national exam (This photo is the courtesy of the government of Gunung Mas district)

Published: June 17, 2011 10:32 AM GMT
Updated: May 11, 2021 11:09 AM GMT

The Coalition for People Supporting Honesty called for the promotion of truth and honesty by the government after a woman was ostracized by her community for highlighting systematic cheating on national educational exams. The call came at a meeting convened at the Constitutional Court to address the case of a 13-year-old student expelled from school after his mother Siami informed education officials and the media that her son was forced to share answers with other students during national exams held last month in Surabaya, East Java. Siami addressed the meeting via teleconference, saying she had always wanted her son to grow up pious and honest. “I am very disappointed that my son was taught to cheat,” she said.


Related report Catholic Young People Urged To Prioritize Honesty As First Step To Combat Corruption

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