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Bishops' committee for ecology to educate Korean youth

Committee has released videos based on the teachings of 'Laudato Si'
Bishops' committee for ecology to educate Korean youth

A screengrab of new teaching materials for Korean Sunday schools produced by the Korean bishops' Committee for Ecology and Environment. (Photo by Catholic Times of Korea)

Published: April 10, 2017 05:22 AM GMT
Updated: April 10, 2017 05:24 AM GMT

The Korean bishops' Committee for Ecology and Environment has released videos to educate Catholic young people on environmental issues.

The committee announced the release of the teaching materials for Sunday school students and said they were to help them practice the teachings of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato si' in their daily lives.

The encyclical was released in 2015 and contains directions for the church's ecology movement and information about various environmental issues.

The committee produced 12 videos on recycling, using bicycles, reducing printing and eating less instant foods. Each video contains the text from the encyclical on each issue, animated pictures and images. They are available at the Korean bishop's website.

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