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Taiwan churches close doors amid Covid-19 surge

After being praised for containing the pandemic, the island is gripped by fear after a sudden spike in cases
Taiwan churches close doors amid Covid-19 surge

A view of empty St. Christopher Catholic Church in Taipei city of Taiwan. Taipei Archdiocese has closed churches amid a surge in Covid-19 cases. (Photo: Facebook)

Published: May 21, 2021 09:53 AM GMT
Updated: May 21, 2021 09:54 AM GMT

Authorities in Taiwan have placed capital Taipei and surrounding areas on high alert and restrictions for two weeks following an upsurge in Covid-19 cases, forcing the closure of businesses, offices and worship places including churches.

Taiwan has recorded more than 1,000 new cases in the past week, triggering new curbs from the government to limit public gatherings and movements.

Until recent weeks, Taiwan was praised globally for successfully keeping the virus at bay, registering slightly more than 1,400 cases and only 14 deaths.

The success allowed the population to become accustomed to normal life without restrictions and lockdowns. However, fear gripped the Taiwanese people after a spike in community transmissions with 2,533 new infections.

The increase in cases and announcement of new restrictions triggered panic buying among Taiwanese people, with many scrambling to stock up on basic goods such as instant noodles and toilet paper, media reported.

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