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Pope says no privileges for disgraced former nuncio

Francis reportedly shocked by dossier on the Józef Wesolowski case
Pope says no privileges for disgraced former nuncio

Pope Francis (Photo: Vatican Insider) 

Published: September 25, 2014 08:19 AM GMT
Updated: September 24, 2014 09:20 PM GMT

“In Argentina we call those who receive preferential treatment “spoilt children”, but “there will be no preferential treatment when it comes to child abuse,” Pope Francis said.

The scandalous arrest of the former Apostolic Nuncio to the Dominical Republic, Józef Wesolowski, -- who had already been condemned by the tribunal of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and reduced to the lay state -- is proof that Francis is turning his words into action.

He has vowed that there will be no privileged treatment for the clerical “caste” and has now deprived a former archbishop of his freedom, where before the latter had enjoyed the protection of diplomatic immunity.

If he hadn’t left the country, Wesolowski would have been arrested in Santo Domingo. Bearing in mind how serious the charges and evidence against him are, the former Nuncio who used to lure children onto beaches could not continue to walk freely in the streets of Rome. 

Pope Francis was apparently shocked when in recent months he read the dossier on the Wesolowski case.

"A priest that does this betrays the body of the Lord, because these priests need to lead this boy, this girl, this young man, this young woman, to holiness. And this boy, this girl, they trust him. And this priest, instead of leading them to holiness, abuses them. This is very serious,” Pope Francis said.


Full Story: Francis: No privileges for Bishop Wesolowski, arrested on charges of child abuse

Source:Vatican Insider

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