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Philippine prelate wants priest 'counseling time'

Poor people need additional pastoral help in more troubled times, Calapan bishop says
Philippine prelate wants priest 'counseling time'

Bishop Warlito Cajandig watches as priests from all over the Philippines pray for two newly ordained priests on June 5. (Photo by Jun  N. Aguirre)


Published: June 08, 2017 05:05 AM GMT
Updated: June 08, 2017 05:10 AM GMT

A Catholic bishop in the central Philippines urged priests in his vicariate to find time for "official counseling" for parishioners and not to use the "Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation" as an alternative.

"I have observed that parishioners use the confession as a time to seek counseling from priests," said Bishop Warlito Cajandig of the Vicariate of Calapan.

"This should not be the case," he said. "I know priests have their hands full with our daily obligations but we must have a time for counseling," added the prelate.

He told members of the clergy during an ordination rite on June 5 that more people need the help of pastors these days due to the "uncertain times."

Bishop Cajandig cited the case of the gunman who ransacked a casino in Manila last week. The man had been suffering from depression because of a gambling addiction.

"Many need counseling especially those in poor areas," said the prelate.

He also reminded his priests to always have patience. "Do not shout at people as this may be a form of violence to our parishioners," said the bishop.

"People may see us shouting and anybody can judge us for this. The only scenario that a priest is allowed to shout is in case of fire," he quipped.





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