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Korean forum promotes greater role for laity in church

Laypeople urged to re-establish their status in church structures
Korean forum promotes greater role for laity in church

Father Chung Hee-wan addressing the Social Apostleship Forum on May 25 at 1898 Square in Myeongdong, Seoul. The forum decided laypeople should increase their role in the Catholic Church. (Photo by The Catholic Times of Korea)

Published: June 06, 2017 04:22 AM GMT
Updated: June 06, 2017 04:27 AM GMT

A Catholic forum has called for Korean laypeople to increase their role and status in the church.

The Social Apostleship Research Institute under the Catholic Lay Apostolate of Korea (CLAK) held its quarterly forum on May 25 in Myeongdong, Seoul.

Father John Chung Hee-wan made a speech and Paul Kwon Kil-joong, CLAK chairperson, and executive members of the lay council joined the discussion. During the forum, they exchanged views on the role of the council that will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year.

"Apostleship should not be monopolized by priests. Laypeople should fulfill their mission to proclaim the Gospel endowed by the church," Father Chung said.

In terms of lay leadership, Father Chung argued that it does not mean that laypeople lead the church but act as role models in society.

"In the Korean Church, we can say gender discrimination has worn off but discrimination between laypeople and priests does exist. The church should give jobs to lay experts especially in education," Father Chung said.

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