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Rights push launched for Philippine, Bangladesh tribes

Humanitarian group teams up with Rural Missionaries to train rights defenders in communities
Rights push launched for Philippine, Bangladesh tribes

Representatives of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines and Relief International pose for a souvenir picture during the launch of the human rights program in the Philippines. (Photo courtesy of the Rural Missionaries)

Published: May 15, 2017 04:22 AM GMT
Updated: May 15, 2017 04:23 AM GMT

An international humanitarian group has simultaneously launched a project in the Philippines and Bangladesh aimed at training human rights defenders in tribal communities.

In the Philippines, Relief International has partnered with the Rural Missionaries "to scale up" the faith-base group's human rights intervention for tribal people in Mindanao.

"This new initiative will promote and protect human rights of vulnerable indigenous communities," said Sister Famita Somogod, coordinator of the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines.

The program dubbed "Promoting and Protecting Indigenous Human Rights" aims "to promote and defend" the rights of tribal people "through monitoring and reporting on violations and abuses."

The initiative, which was launched recently, will cover 43 tribal communities in Mindanao and in Munda communities in Bangladesh.

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