UCA News

Church to pray for seafarers

Special day remembers the contribution to the world of the merchant marine
Church to pray for seafarers
Published: July 04, 2011 05:42 AM GMT
Updated: July 04, 2011 10:43 AM GMT

The Church in Taiwan will pray for seafarers and their families around the world on the first local Sea Sunday on July 10. Bishop Bosco Lin Chinan of Tainan, bishop promoter of the Apostolic of the Sea (AOS) in Taiwan, issued an appeal to call for prayer and Masses to all seafarers and fishers, and to support the AOS financially, especially on the Sea Sunday. “However, far our parish communities may be from the sea, each of us benefits from the work of seafarers and each of us has a part to play in supporting the Church’s outreach to seafarers,” he said. Sea Sunday was created to arouse world attention about seafarers’ contributions and the dangers and challenges they face in their work. All Catholics are invited to pray on that special day to bring hope to seafarers and their families. Father Eliseo Napiere, AOS director in Taiwan, said the local Church used to incorporate Sea Sunday into Migrant Sunday on the last Sunday of September. The Filipino priest said Sea Sunday is significant as it expresses thanks to seafarers and offers prayers for their safety and to support the work of the AOS. Related reportsPiracy and tsunamis add to sailors’ woesCambodia joins Apostleship of the SeaApostleship of Sea meets in Taichung

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