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Muslims praise Christian efforts

Muslims praise Christian efforts
Website of Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah
Published: April 15, 2011 03:11 AM GMT
Updated: April 15, 2011 03:11 AM GMT

An Islamic organization has praised Christians in East Nusa Tenggara province for the high level of tolerance they have shown towards followers of other religions. “I am happy to see how this province maintains religious harmony,” Abdullah Syam, who heads the Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah (LDII), said in his speech on April 12 at a meeting in Kupang, the capital of the province. Such religious harmony, he added, should be followed by other regions in Indonesia. “In this province, Catholics and Protestants contributed money to the construction of a mosque. This proves that people from different religious backgrounds here live in harmony,” he asserted. He also suggested that the LDII help maintain religious harmony in the region. “The LDII must also be a pillar in this effort,” he continued. IS13974.1649

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