UCA News

No second miracle waiver for Mother Teresa

Pope Benedict will not waive a requirement for a second miracle for Mother Teresa, according to former Missionaries of Charity head, Sister Nirmala.
No second miracle waiver for Mother Teresa
Published: March 01, 2011 10:19 AM GMT
Updated: March 01, 2011 10:19 AM GMT

Pope Benedict will not waive a requirement for a second miracle for Mother Teresa, according to former Missionaries of Charity head, Sister Nirmala. “No, the Holy Father will not waive it,” former MC superior-general Sr Nirmala, who succeeded Mother Teresa to the post, told PTI, the Times of India reports. After her death on September 5, 1997, Pope John Paul II initiated a fast track sainthood process for Teresa and beatified her on October 19, 2003, after a North Bengal tribal woman Monica Besra was found to have been cured of a tumour at the nun’s intercession. SOURCE Pope will not waive second miracle for Teresa: Sr Nirmala (Times of India) PHOTO Túrelio (Wikipedia/CC 2.0)

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