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May 20, 2024

Indians celebrate Maha Mariamman festival

Mariamman is a Hindu goddess of weather, venerated mostly in the rural areas of South India. She is considered a guardian deity (kaval deivam) by many Indian Hindus.

The word Mari has a Sangam Tamil origin meaning "Rain", and the Dravidian root term Amman means "Mother".

One of her major festivals is known as the Adi Thiruvila, held during the late summer or early autumn throughout Tamil Nadu and the Deccan region in South India. 

Her worship mainly focuses on bringing rains and curing diseases like cholera, smallpox, and chicken pox.

The worshipping methods are often accompanied by various kinds of folk dancing. Rituals such as fire walking and mouth or nose piercing are also practised.

The devotion has spread across India among various Hindu communities.

(Photos: AFP)

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