
Watch pope's prayer video for indigenous people

Pope Francis wants to be spokesman for their 'deepest longings'

Updated: July 07, 2016 10:54 AM GMT

Pope Francis has asked via video that Catholics pray that the world will respect the rights and cultures of the world's indigenous people.

In a video produced by Apostleship of Prayer, Pope Francis dedicated July to praying for indigenous people whose cultures and even their existence remain under threat.

I want to be a spokesman for the deepest longings of indigenous peoples, he said in his native Spanish.

I want to add your voice to mine in a heartfelt prayer that all will respect indigenous peoples, threatened in their identity and even in their existence, the pope said.

The video begins with a young indigenous woman addressing an empty auditorium, requesting that her culture be respected. Will you listen to me? she asks.

Several other representatives from various other indigenous populations join her on stage.

Watch the video below.

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