
Thousands in Dublin rally against legalized abortion

Activists demand prime minister keep his campaign pledge from last year to hold the line on abortion

HIlary White, Dublin

Updated: December 05, 2012 06:11 PM GMT

Over 10,000 gathered outside Ireland's parliament this week to demand that Prime Minister Enda Kenny keep his campaign promise of 2011 not to bring legalized abortion into the Republic.

The crowd included five Catholic bishops, and was organized by a united effort of all of Ireland's pro-life organizations.

The thousands, chanting Keep your promise! , packed Molesworth Street in central Dublin, holding placards urging the government to protect both mother and baby.

The crowd was addressed by Niamh Ui Bhrian and Dr. Sean O'Domhnaill of the Life Institute, and Caroline Simons of the Pro-Life Campaign, who said that the politicians would face a massive public backlash if they attempted to overturn the country's constitutional protections for the unborn.

After several weeks of misinformation in the mainstream media over the death of Savita Halappanavar, Ui Bhrian said, Clarity is now coming back to the debate following the hysteria whipped up by abortion campaigners after Savita's tragic death.

The pro-life majority will want to ensure that Fine Gael does not move to legislate on the X case.

Pro-Life Campaign legal adviser, Caroline Simons, said, The way in which the debate is being stage-managed and railroaded through the Dail is deeply disturbing and undemocratic.

Women deserve better than this. So do unborn babies, she added. The rally, she said, sent a message that there is nothing liberal or compassionate about abortion.

The Life Institute is preparing to follow the rally with a massive, nationwide campaign that includes getting 1.4 million leaflets into every household in the country warning that Kenny and the Coalition are preparing to open the door to abortion on demand, and that promises of limitations are nonsense.

Full story: 10,000 pro-lifers rally in Dublin amidst heated abortion debate

Source: Life Site News

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