
The spirit of the Year of Mercy must continue, pope says

Compassion and acts of mercy 'need to become part of everyone's daily lives'

Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service

Updated: December 01, 2016 07:25 AM GMT

The Year of Mercy and its series of papal reflections may be over, but compassion and acts of mercy must continue and become a part of everyone's daily lives, Pope Francis said.

Let us commit ourselves to praying for each other so that the corporal and spiritual works of mercy increasingly become our way of life, he said Nov. 30 during his general audience in the Vatican's Paul VI hall, reported CNS.

Because the day also marked the feast of St. Andrew, brother of St. Peter and founder of the church in Constantinople, Pope Francis gave special greetings to his dear brother, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.

Pope Francis, the bishop of Rome and successor of Peter, said he was sending a big embrace to the patriarch and this cousin church.

The Vatican released a letter from the pope to the patriarch, which praised the way Catholics and Orthodox have begun to recognize one another as brothers and sisters and to value each other's gifts, and together have proclaimed the Gospel, served humanity and the cause of peace, promoted the dignity of the human being and the inestimable value of the family, and cared for those most in need, as well as creation, our common home.

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