
Swiss rape victim may be quizzed at home

Police say her testimony is essential reporter, Bhopal

Updated: April 08, 2013 03:42 AM GMT

A judicial commission will visit Switzerland to record the statements of the Swiss national who was brutally gang raped in Madhya Pradesh last month, an official told yesterday. 

The state police proposed the trip after the 39-year old victim and her partner left the country eight days ago, unable to identify the people who attacked them, police officer D. K Arya said.

The couple, cycle adventure tourists, had stopped overnight in a forested area when seven people came into their tent and five men raped the woman in front of her partner.

The attackers assaulted the couple when they resisted. 

Police arrested six people in connection with the crime, but the victim and her partner told the police they would not be able to recognize anyone as the attack occured at night.

A trial court in Datia district began proceedings against the alleged attackers last Saturday, but without detailed statements from the victim the case could collapse, Arya said. 

If they refuse to come back a judicial commission will be sent to their home country to record their statement, Arya said.

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