
Rights group condemns Pakistan's blasphemy laws

Amnesty International says laws are used against religious minorities and targets of false accusations

Updated: December 21, 2016 09:09 AM GMT

Pakistan's blasphemy laws are often used against religious minorities and others who are the target of false accusations, while emboldening vigilantes prepared to threaten or kill the accused, said a new Amnesty International (AI) report released Dec. 21.  

There is overwhelming evidence that Pakistan's blasphemy laws violate human rights and encourage people to take the law into their own hands, said Audrey Gaughran, AI's Director of Global Issues in a statement.

Once a person is accused, they become ensnared in a system that offers them few protections, presumes them guilty, and fails to safeguard them against people willing to use violence, said Gaughran.

The report, As good as dead: The impact of the blasphemy laws in Pakistan, shows how people accused of blasphemy face a grueling struggle to establish their innocence. Even if a person is acquitted of the charges against them and released, usually after long delays, they can still face threats to their life.

The rights groups said that once an accusation of blasphemy is made, the police can arrest the accused, without even checking to see if the charges make sense. Bowing to public pressure from angry crowds, including religious clerics and their supporters, they frequently pass cases on to prosecutors without scrutinizing the evidence. And once someone is charged, they can be denied bail and face lengthy and unfair trials.

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