
Love and hope prevails, Cardinal Tagle says

Catholics urged to not lose hope amid terror attacks

Updated: March 28, 2016 05:05 AM GMT

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila urged Catholics not to get discouraged amid attacks by terror groups in some parts of Europe.

As guns and bombs make noise in the world, sing your alleluia! Don't let the bombs and the gunfire dominate our alleluia, Cardinal Tagle said in his Easter Vigil homily in Manila.

The prelate, who heads Caritas Internationalis and is a member of the Vatican's Pontifical Council Cor Unum for Human and Christian Development, condemned the deadly attacks in Brussels last week.

At least 34 people were reported killed and hundreds injured in the attacks that were reportedly perpetrated by members of the so-called Islamic State.

Please do not get discouraged, said Cardinal Tagle. 

The prelate told some 2,000 faithful who attended the Easter Vigil Mass on March 26 to witness the example of Belgians showed to the world that love prevails [and] hope prevails.

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