South Korea

French pilgrims share fraternity with Korean church

Group visits several holy sites including two where nine French missionaries were beheaded in 1866

Updated: November 01, 2016 11:11 AM GMT

Official pilgrims from the French Catholic bishops' conference visited Korea Oct. 14-23 in order to continue their long-running fraternity.

A total of 66 French pilgrims including Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux and five bishops visited several Korean holy sites including Galmaemot and Saenamteo where nine French missionaries were beheaded during the 1866 Byeongin Persecution.

At an Oct. 20 discussion session in Seoul, bishops from both countries pledged their cooperation. The French prelates showed a special interest in the pastoral activities of the Korean Church, the Basic Ecclesia Community movement and the Korean youth ministry.

The Catholic Church in Korea could only bloom and unite with the universal church thanks to the sacrifice of the French missionaries. As a brotherly church sharing their blood, we will keep our commune with the French Church, said Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung of Seoul.

Cardinal Ricard from France said, Through the French missionaries and the Korean martyrs, we share the same experience. With this in mind, we will go out into the world and proclaim the mercy of God.

Up to 10,000 Catholics, including 12 French missionaries, lost their lives during the persecution period. A total of 12 French missionaries were martyred in Korea and 10 of them were canonized together with Korean martyr saints in 1984.  

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