
Cremation of Mar Thoma Syrian Church clergy gets approval

Priests can now be cremated due to space issues and changing attitudes

Updated: July 19, 2016 08:28 AM GMT

The Mar Thoma Syrian Church in the Indian state of Kerala has given permission for the cremation of the mortal remains of its clergy, says a report by The Hindu.

The Metropolitan/Episcopa (head of the church/diocesan bishop) reserves the right to permit the cremation of the mortal remains of the clergy either in an electric crematorium or otherwise on the basis of a prior request by the clergy, said a church circular according the report. The change is being implemented because of a lack of burial space in cities, said the circular.

Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa, Thiruvananthapuram diocesan bishop of the church, told The Hindu that there was a belief among Christians earlier that the body should not be cremated as it has to be resurrected. This thinking is changing today. God can bring back life even if it becomes ashes. The church is leaning towards to this ancient concept of Hindu culture.

Tradition says that the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, a Christian church based in Kerala, has its origins in the missionary work of St. Thomas the Apostle who is believed to have reached India sometime in the first century.

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