
Christian leaders pledge to support Indian government

Home minister assures them that religious persecution will not be allowed at any cost

Updated: October 14, 2016 10:28 AM GMT

Indian Christian leaders have extended their support to the Hindu nationalist federal government to help in the country's development.

Some 1,000 Christians leaders told the Indian federal Home Minister Rajnath Singh Oct. 14 in New Delhi that the community did not indulge in any kind of forced or fraudulent religious conversions, that Hindu extremist groups cite as reason for anti-Christian violence.

Singh assured them that religious persecution will not be allowed in India at any cost and that the government cannot ignore the Christian community's contribution to the country.

Bishop Joseph D'Souza of the neo-Christian Good Shepherd Church said that Christian community supports federal government initiatives for the country's development.

The meeting was organized by the All India Christian Council.

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