
Diocese cracks down on gambling

Says habit is making people poorer at a time when cost of living is rising

Jacob Herin, Maumere

Updated: March 19, 2012 09:47 AM GMT

Church officials in Maumere diocese on Flores Island have called for an end to illegal gambling, which they say is adding to hardship being caused by commodity price increases. “All forms of gambling must stop,” Father Dominikus Dange, head of the diocesan justice and peace desk, told more than 200 people attending a meeting yesterday at Holy Trinity Church near Maumere city. Togel, a numbers game, has been banned by the government, but continues to attract millions of people nationwide. The priest said despite being illegal, people in the diocese spend up to 8 billion rupiah (U$880,000) each month on the game, which only benefits gambling lords who live in bigger cities in Java. Fr Dange said people are fooled into thinking they can get rich quick when in fact they are losing large amounts of money. Maumere diocese has pledged to cooperate with police in cracking down on gambling and is offering counseling in 35 parishes. “Tell the police if you know someone is gambling. Don’t hesitate to report it and the police will take immediate action,” said Muhammad Muhtar, a Maumere police official. Police have arrested more than 60 people on gambling charges in the diocese this month and say forces nationwide are cooperating in an attempt to track down the masterminds. Kristoforus Wilfridus, a member of one parish council, said gambling among parishioners has reached an alarming state. He said gambling is so bad, youths are resorting to crime to fund their habit.

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