
Church says suspect is 'not Christian'

Alleged member of Muslim militant group is not one of us, say Catholics reporter, Indore

Updated: June 16, 2011 08:54 AM GMT

The Church in central India has denied police claims that a youth arrested with nine other suspected members of a terror group is a Christian. Madhya Pradesh’s anti-terrorism police on Tuesday arrested ten suspected members of the banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) in Khandwa. India and the US have labeled it as an Islamic terror group. Upon releasing their names the police claimed one of them, Babbu Dominic, 21, was a Christian. Father Philip Kaduthanam, Khandwa diocese’s public relations officer, dismissed the claim. “We checked Church records and can confirm the arrested person is not a Catholic,” he said yesterday. The priest also said the Church maintains thorough records on people who practice the faith and follow its norms. “This name does not appear in any of our records and he has not been seen at any of our church activities,” he added. A person is not necessarily a Catholic or a Christian just because he has a Christian name, he asserted. Alex John Pereira, general secretary of the Khandwa Cathedral parish, who was born and brought up in Khandwa, said the arrested youth does not belong to any Christian denomination. The youth’s father, Dominic Das, claims his son was not involved with the SIMI and that his only crime was knowing an arrested Muslim youth. He said police arrested his son while he was returning home after collecting his daily wages. Related Report: RIOTS OVER KORAN BURNING RUMOR CLAIM 16 LIVES

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