Timor Leste

Caritas trains farmers in agriculture

Program teaches how to cultivate, irrigate, compost and control diseases

Fransiskus P. Seran, Manufahi

Updated: May 05, 2011 04:49 AM GMT
Farmers in Welama village growing eggplants

Caritas Timor Leste has met the needs of local farmers by providing seeds and agricultural equipment and organizing a three-day training program onfarming techniques. Twenty farmers joined the May 2-4 program organized in Welama village in Manufahi district by Caritas Agricultura, which is part of Caritas Timor Leste. They were trained by five of the seven members of the organization, which is under the diocese of Dili. “The Diocese of Dili, through its Caritas Agricultura, has paid attention to us farmers. I am happy to join the training program, because it meets our needs,” said one participant, Gregorio da Silva. He promised to share what he has learned from the training program with other farmers who, he said, may not have been aware of the lessons. According to Jhonio Do Santos, who coordinates Caritas Agricultura, the training program was necessary because local farmers needed guidance. He added that his organization does not only organize the training program but also “monitors the follow-up, because problems like plant disease might come.” Caritas Agricultura, whose funding comes from the organisation in Australia, Ireland and New Zealand, included in the training program topics such as dry land cultivation, irrigation, compost making, and how to control plant disease, for local farmers living in Aileu, Ainaro, Ermera and Manufahi districts. Related reports Farmers ‘need more help from officials’ Farmers Encouraged To Fight For Their Rights IT14101

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