UCA News

Tribal people 'need to think positively'

Tribal people 'need to think positively'
Published: April 26, 2011 09:31 AM GMT
Updated: April 26, 2011 09:31 AM GMT

Positive thinking and willingness for dialogue is the panacea for the ills that plague the tribal community, say Jesuit priests. “Violence is no solution, rather think positively and globally toward life,” said Father Edward Mudavassery. Moreover, lack of education and awareness were impeding tribal advancement in India the Jesuit Provincial of South Asia told some 50 tribal leaders during a recent workshop. He said tribal people should change their outlook toward life. They must not think that they are small or big but rather change themselves for the betterment of society. They should take the initiative for dialogue, which will pave the way for justice, he said. Father Louis Prakash, regional director of the Jesuit Refugee Service in South Asia said tribal people should not have an inferiority or superiority complex. Rather, they should treat all equally and accept others as equal to them.

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