UCA News

The Sheep And The Goats

The Sheep And The Goats
Published: March 13, 2011 05:00 PM GMT
Updated: March 11, 2011 03:12 AM GMT

The parable of the sheep and the goats – also called ‘The Last Judgment’ – comes together with other parables of the Endtime, like the Ten Talents or the Ten Foolish Bridesmaids. All these teachings have one purpose: to inculcate in the disciples a sense of vigilance and fidelity to the task. The scene that Jesus depicts would be familiar to his hearers: a shepherd sorting out his flock before moving them on to other pastures. Jesus is presented as ‘king’, and the nations of the world are gathered before him, awaiting his blessing or his judgment. The parable presents the ethical teaching of Jesus at its core: the love of God is shown in the love of one’s neighbour. Never mind if the disciple fails in his duty to God, so long as he reaches out and cares for his neighbour. In other words, Christian love has a practical and active component, expressed in care for those in need. The passage says nothing about our duties towards God. We are not judged on that. It doesn’t consider the obligations that society imposes on its members towards each other. In fact, the parable speaks not of duties, but the claims of those in need. Jesus says that reaching out to the needy is reaching out to him. In the last discourse of Jesus in John’s Gospel, he stresses his identity with men as the basis of love. In this last discourse of Jesus in Matthew, there is a similarity: in the last analysis, it is love which determines whether men are good or bad. If their love is active and shown in care and concern for each other, other failings will be rare and forgiven. But there is simply no substitute for active love.

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