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Philippine quake victims to receive counseling

Church says many people left traumatized in southern Surigao del Norte province
Philippine quake victims to receive counseling

Residents gather at a collapsed bridge in Surigao del Norte province following the magnitude 6.7 earthquake on Feb. 10. (Photo by Roel Catoto)

Published: February 20, 2017 05:06 AM GMT
Updated: February 20, 2017 05:06 AM GMT

The Episcopal Commission on Health Care of the Philippine Catholic bishops will be holding "health intervention" activities for victims of the magnitude 6.7 earthquake that hit the southern province of Surigao del Norte on Feb. 10.

Father Dan Cancino, executive secretary of the commission, said his office has already contacted the Department of Health about the "psycho-social support" activities and for the promotion of water sanitation and hygiene in affected areas.

The priest said disasters affect the psychology of people, especially children that is why the church will focus on mental health or psycho-social support.

Romina Marasigan, spokeswoman of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said psycho-social support is needed for the traumatized victims of the earthquake

She said psycho-social intervention should be done with ongoing relief operations and should be sustained until people are fully recovered.

Authorities estimated an initial damage to infrastructure at about US$2.5 million although the figures are expected to increase after the full damage assessment is finished.

The earthquake left eight people dead and more than 200 others injured.



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