UCA News

Indonesia kicks off Covid-19 vaccination drive

President Widodo and religious leaders become the country's first recipients of Chinese-made shot
Indonesia kicks off Covid-19 vaccination drive

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (center) becomes the first recipient of the Covid-19 vaccine at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Jan. 13. (Photo: courtesy of Humas Sekretaris Kabinet/Jay)

Published: January 14, 2021 06:37 AM GMT
Updated: January 14, 2021 06:39 AM GMT

Didacus Prajojo, a 53-year-old Catholic doctor, was ready to receive his first Covid-19 vaccine dose after getting a notification via a text message from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

The father of three, who works at the Catholic-run Brayat Minulya Hospital in Surakarta in Central Java province, registered via an SMS and received an electronic ticket serving as an invitation to become a verified vaccine recipient. The next step was to fill in a form containing a set of questions, including ones about comorbid conditions.

“I got rejected because of comorbidities. I suffer from hypertension and diabetes. That is why I could not receive the vaccine,” he told UCA News.

He did not give up, though. He tried to register one more time. But once again he was rejected. “I have no choice but to continue to maintain health protocols. I have to make sure that my blood pressure and blood sugar level are stable. Also, I always pray to God,” he said.

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