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Greed in Bangladesh is costing workers dearly

Bosses cutting costs at the expense of safety are behind hundreds of factory fire deaths, officials and survivors say
Greed in Bangladesh is costing workers dearly

An injured man is taken to a hospital after being rescued from a fire-ravaged commercial building in the Banani area of Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka in this  March 28, 2019 file photo. (Photo by Stephan Uttom/ucanews)


Published: December 19, 2019 10:39 AM GMT
Updated: December 19, 2019 10:40 AM GMT

Muhammad Harun considers himself extremely lucky to have escaped death in a recent fire at an electric fan factory in Bangladesh's Gazipur district, near the capital Dhaka.

The Dec. 15 fire engulfed the Luxury Fan factory, killing ten of its 80 workers and injuring dozens.

Officials said the factory was operating illegally in a residential apartment complex and had no fire safety certificate.

"Workers like me ran to safety when the fire broke out. There was no fire exit. I ran through the fire and rushed outside," 29-year old Harun, a father of two, told ucanews.

Harun made it to safety, with some minor burns. 

One year ago, Harun left his village in Kishoreganj district in central Bangladesh, to seek work. 

The best job he could find was at the factory which paid him 15,000 Taka (US$ 177) a month.

However, safety was always a concern he said alleging that factory bosses deliberately ignored workers' safety to save money.

Read the full article here


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