UCA News

Blind girls put on a show for White Cane Day

Blind girls put on a show for White Cane Day
Published: October 15, 2012 07:04 AM GMT
Updated: October 15, 2012 07:18 AM GMT

A group of blind girls showcased their talents over the weekend, as part of activities marking White Cane Safety Day today, and took the opportunity to raise awareness of the problems faced by the visually impaired. “Our society has failed to mature when dealing with those who are not completely gifted”, said Saba Youas who lives at the Ananias Rehabilitation Center for visually impaired females, on the outskirts of Lahore. The two hour program, which included singing, acting in tableaux and reading from a Braille Bible, won warm applause from the audience. The center, which celebrated its 14th birthday this weekend, is run by Caritas Pakistan Lahore CPL. It offers free education to 25 girls, aged six to 20.

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