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Hong Kong to delay new Missal

Hong Kong to delay new Missal
Published: September 26, 2011 04:17 AM GMT
Updated: September 26, 2011 09:02 AM GMT

Hong Kong diocese has decided to postpone for one year the implementation of the new English translation of the Roman Missal, which will come into effect in most English-speaking areas on November 27, the first Sunday of Advent. Diocesan chancellor Father Lawrence Lee said the diocese intends to leave sufficient time for more thorough catechesis before formally introducing it on the same day next year. “Even if there is no catechesis, the faithful can get accustomed to it through repeated recitations but there will be a lack of understanding,” he said. Some 60 percent of the 51 parishes in Hong Kong provide English Mass. The majority of attendees are an estimated 110,500 Filipino migrant workers. Bishop John Tong Hon of Hong Kong is a member of the Vox Clara committee, which is to advise the Holy See on English-language liturgical books. Related Reports: Hong Kong publishes Compendium

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