UCA News

Village prepares for Christ the King

Procession and re-enactments of scenes from Bible stories as trailer for the big day
Village prepares for Christ the King
Participants re-enact Biblical stories in Khushpur
Published: November 01, 2011 04:01 AM GMT
Updated: November 02, 2011 06:04 AM GMT

Catholics in the village of Khushpur are showing a lot of creativity as they prepare for the celebration of the Feast of Christ the King, which falls on November 20 this year. A procession and re-enactments of scenes from Bible stories highlighted the advance celebration in the village on the weekend. "Last year we performed 20 stories, this year we had more," said Obaid Khawar, a shopkeeper. He said residents, even non-Christians, raise funds for decorations and join the celebrations. All 24 streets of the village competed for the title of having the most clean or beautiful pathway, or for having the most colorful or dramatic staging of a biblical story. People led donkeys on the village's streets, released pigeons and set off fireworks as judges that included nuns and priests observed the events around the village. Parents explained to children the scenes depicted during the procession while the elderly knelt in front of miniature grottos and altars while the parade of biblical stories pass. Father Anjum Nazir, parish priest of St Fidelis Church, and two other priests led the procession that lasted three hours. The priest said the celebration has become part of local culture. "Even Muslims participate. I saw their children shower rose petals on the procession," the priest said. Related reports: Pakistan marks 110th Christ the King parade

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