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UK expert to speak at Taoism forum

Activist to talk about sustainable development at officially sanctioned event
UK expert to speak at Taoism forum
Lao Tsu, a sage of Taoism
Published: October 06, 2011 04:08 AM GMT
Updated: October 06, 2011 04:08 AM GMT

A British environmental activist will be a guest speaker at an International Taoism Forum on October 23-25 at Heng Shan in China's Hunan province, a Taoist sacred site since the Han dynasty. The meeting is the first Taoist event to be sponsored by the Beijing government, a fact which organizers say reflects the growing recognition of Taoist influence in the country. It will bring together delegates from more than 30 nations to "highlight Taoists' concerns about the present world and their desire to help society solve existing problems with Taoist wisdom," according to Zhang Jiyu, vice-president of the China Taoist Association. Martin Palmer, secretary-general of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC), based in the UK, will address the relationship between Taoism and sustainable development. "The role of Taoism in China has always been a strange one,” said Palmer. “It stands outside the traditional pursuit of wealth, status and power, and has always been the yin to the yang of the Confucian power structure. "Today its message of simplicity, respect for nature, humility and striving for a proper balance is perhaps more important than at any time in China's history. “The fact that the Government wishes to engage with this ancient alternative tradition is a powerful indication that China is looking for ways to protect its nature as well as its people." ARC is a secular body helping world religions to develop environmental programs and create alliances between them and non-religious environmental groups.

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