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Philippine bishops develop 'reader friendly' rights guide

Prelates want ordinary communities to understand their rights
Philippine bishops develop 'reader friendly' rights guide

Church groups support families of victims of drug-related killings in the Philippines assert their rights, including filing cases in court and hold protest actions. (Photo by Vincent Go)


Published: March 16, 2017 05:32 AM GMT
Updated: March 16, 2017 05:32 AM GMT

Catholic bishops in the Philippines are coming up with a "reader friendly" module on human rights as part of their campaign against drug-related killings.

Father Jerome Secillano of the public affairs committee of the bishops' conference said they would intensify their public awareness drive especially in poor communities.

"We want people in communities to understand their rights," said the priest after a meeting with the Commission on Human Rights on March 15.

Father Secillano said the campaign will not only focus on drug-related killings. "There are a lot of issues involving human rights," he said, adding that they will also focus on poverty.

He said the module that they are working on would have a "wholistic" approach to give readers pointers on legal, pyscho-social, and spiritual interventions.

The priest said "help desks" would be set up in parishes where people who want to report human rights abuses can seek help.    



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