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Papal envoy backs Indian social work

Papal envoy backs Indian social work
Published: February 08, 2011 05:26 AM GMT
Updated: February 09, 2011 10:10 AM GMT

INDIA: A visiting papal envoy has reaffirmed the Church's commitment to work for social justice. The Church in India is called to point out to the nation how it should proceed as it becomes prosperous, said Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. Interacting with Church NGOs of West Bengal state in Kolkata on Feb. 5, the cardinal said the Church has a special role in directing governments and voluntary groups to eradicate poverty and malnutrition. The British cardinal is in India as Pope Benedict XVI’s envoy at the silver jubilee celebrations of Pope John Paul II’s first visit to the country. Pope John Paul II visited Kolkata on Feb. 3, 1986, and spent two days in the city. The papal envoy later visited the tomb of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata and Shishu Bhavan, a child-care center run by the Missionaries of Charity congregation. IE13205.1640

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