UCA News

Karuna opens office for quake victims

Karuna opens office for quake victims
Published: May 03, 2011 04:22 AM GMT
Updated: May 03, 2011 04:28 AM GMT

Karuna Kengtung Social Service (KKSS) has set up a branch office in the compound of the St.Jospeh’s Church in Thiri, to help victims of the March earthquake as a long term planning move as well as to reconstruct damaged churches, boarding schools and nuns’ houses, says Claudia Win Myat, the project director of KKSS. Bishop Peter Louis Ca Ku of Kengtung Diocese, Father Stephen Ano, director of KKSS and Father Bosco Ya Byaw, the parish priest of St.Joseph’s Church in Thiri, attended the opening ceremony on May 1. Some 400 villagers from the quake-affected areas, parishioners from Thiri and Karuna staff also joined in. ZY14069

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