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Government promises flood victim aid

Pledges to rebuild homes lost in Timor Leste storms
Government promises flood victim aid

Minister Jacinto Rigoberto talks to an elderly flood victim at an emergency shelter

Published: June 28, 2013 07:33 AM GMT
Updated: June 27, 2013 09:15 PM GMT

The government of Timor Leste has promised to rehouse more than 1,400 families who lost their homes in flash floods that struck several parts of the country earlier this month.

The government has allocated US$5 million for the reconstruction of homes, Jacinto Rigoberto, Deputy Minister of Social Solidarity said on Thursday.

Heavy downpours last week caused extensive flooding in Kovalima-Suai district, 200 kilometers south of the capital Dili, which killed three people and displaced thousands.

Floods at the start of the month had also badly affected parts of Baucau, Viqueque, and Manufahi districts.

About 1,461 families evacuated to emergency shelters, will remain there until their homes are fixed, Rigoberto said.

Vidal Eurico da Silva, head of National Emergency Disaster Management agency, told ucanews.com, yesterday that more than 2,000 families had been affected by this month’s floods which also destroyed crops and damaged roads and bridges.

"We have distributed more than 7 tons of rice, noodles, canned fish, milk, cooking oil, and clothing to victims," he said.

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