UCA News

Disappointment 'fuelling violence'

Disappointment 'fuelling violence'
Published: January 30, 2012 09:05 AM GMT
Updated: February 09, 2012 05:34 AM GMT

At least ten outbreaks of violence last year were caused by “incompatibility between people’s hopes and the government’s promises,” according to the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (KontraS). In a press release on January 27 the group said: “There was an accumulation of disappointments. This incompatibility created social friction, which happened not only in cities but also in all parts of this republic.” KontraS said the violence included issues such as natural resources disputes and issues of local political elections and social friction. The violence involved social groups, police and business groups. KontraS called for government and all law enforcement officers to be careful in responding to any social tensions. “A decision to mobilize security personnel, instead of prioritizing a constructive dialogue, has potential to widen the locus of violence,” the commission warned.

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