UCA News

City mayor bans food donations to homeless over nutrition fears

Concerns over nutritional content lead to blanket ban.
City mayor bans food donations to homeless over nutrition fears
Published: November 12, 2012 04:55 AM GMT
Updated: November 12, 2012 04:56 AM GMT

The New York City Mayor has come under fire for banning food donations to homeless shelters because it is impossible to determine their nutrition content. The edict, issued last March by Mayor Bloomberg, is part of a larger move by the city’s Department of Homeless Services (DHS) that dictates serving sizes and other nutritional requirements. These include limits on calorie contents, minimum fiber amounts and condiment recomendations. The new laws have outraged charitable New Yorkers, including Glenn and Lenore Richter, who have donated extra kosher food from their Upper West Side Orthodox congregation to local homeless shelters for several years. Mayor Bloomberg’s clampdown on food donations can be seen as a greater restriction on New Yorker’s freedom to eat or drink what they want. He banned the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces last September, baby formula to new mothers in local hospitals last July, smoking in parks and open spaces in May 2011,  implemented a plan in January 2010 to cut the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food, forced fast food restaurants to post calorie content in October 2007, and forbid restaurants from using trans fats in cooking oils in 2006. Full Story:Bloomberg Bans Food Donations To HomelessSource:The Right Perspective

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