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Chinese pilgrims from Verbiest Institute meet pope

Pontiff repeats wish to pay a visit to China
Chinese pilgrims from Verbiest Institute meet pope

Pope Francis with Father Francisco Carin and the Chinese pilgrims at St. Peter's Square. (Photo supplied)

Published: May 17, 2017 08:42 AM GMT
Updated: May 17, 2017 08:49 AM GMT

Claretian Father Francisco Carin, the new director of the Verbiest Institute in Leuven, Belgium has led a group of 33 Chinese pilgrims to Rome.

Among them were 29 parish priests from 29 different dioceses in China, a nun and two lay persons.

Pope Francis welcomed the group on May 10 after his general audience.

While talking with the pilgrims the pope expressed his appreciation and admiration for the course of pastoral formation which the group is following in Verbiest Institute and repeated once again his wish to personally visit China.

In recent years more and more pilgrims from China have visited Rome.

It is known that Pope Francis pays special attention to them whenever he sees a group of Chinese pilgrims in the audience.

This is understood to reflect the wish of the pope to improve relations with China and to normalize life of Catholics in the communist country.

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