UCA News

Catholic nurses face conscience obstacles

Pro-life nurses are facing greater restrictions on their ability to act according to their consciences, the president of an international Catholic nursing association said last week.
Catholic nurses face conscience obstacles
Published: February 14, 2011 01:58 AM GMT
Updated: February 14, 2011 03:29 AM GMT

Pro-life nurses are facing greater restrictions on their ability to act according to their consciences, the president of an international Catholic nursing association said last week. Marylee Meehan, president of the International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical-Social Assistants (CICIAMS), told Catholic News Agency at a conference in Rome that in the U.S. conscience rights are nurses’ biggest problem, Lifesite News reports. Meehan told CNA’s Alan Holdren that nurses fear being fired if they speak out against abortion and other immoral practices. In addition, those applying for jobs in maternity care who admit to being pro-life will often find themselves blocked from serious consideration. “It’s a problem, when you want to apply for a job and you will not provide abortions, they will not accept you.” “It takes extreme courage to be a Catholic living the Catholic life in their professional environment,” said Meehan. SOURCE Pro-life nurses face major obstacles in job applications: head of international nurse association (Lifesite News)

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