UCA News

Cardinal Tagle sheds light on wounded society’s issues

Identifying with those in need ignited true mercy, prelate says
Cardinal Tagle sheds light on wounded society’s issues
Published: April 11, 2016 05:29 AM GMT
Updated: April 11, 2016 05:30 AM GMT

During his annual Easter recollection, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila explained how modern ills exist not just because of hurting individuals but because of a largely "wounded society."

"Our world still has a lot of wounds. Wounds remain wounds, even the Risen Lord does not eliminate wounds.… Wounds are everywhere," said the cardinal during the Jesuit Communication’s “Rise Up in Mercy” Easter recollection on April 10 at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City.

According to the cardinal, there is a need for the faithful to "see and touch" the wounds of society to truly live mercy and compassion.

"It is seeing and touching others' wounds that we see and touch our wounds," explained Cardinal Tagle, who said identification with those in need is what ignites true mercy for others.

He enumerated the following issue as "wounds of society" that need to be seen for what they are: infidelity in the family, lack of nutritious food, a sense of cultural superiority, individualism, ethnocentrism, misuse of social media and abuse and neglect in the church.

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