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Acts of Mother Teresa are 'a testament for all of humanity'

Pakistani bishop says world needs to follow the selfless example set by the saint
Acts of Mother Teresa are 'a testament for all of humanity'
Published: September 07, 2016 11:03 AM GMT
Updated: September 07, 2016 11:05 AM GMT

Mother Teresa's selfless serving of others is an example for all of humanity to follow, said one of Pakistan's leading Catholic officials, following news of the nun's canonization on Sept. 4.

Bishop Joseph Arshad, chairperson of the National Commission for Justice and Peace, a rights-based organization of Pakistan Catholic Bishops' Conference, said St. Teresa is a role model for humankind.

"The path that she showed us and the very morals and beliefs she lived by is a testament for all of humanity. For her, human beings should live in love and peace and share their love among others," said Bishop Arshad.

The bishop pointed out that there are around 5,000 nuns who make up the Missionaries of Charity, the congregation that St. Teresa founded in 1950.

"They now carry out her mission working in 758 homes across five continents of the world," he said.

Bishop Arshad emphasized that mankind now faces terrible problems that result from selfishness and shallowness.

"As St. Teresa believed that serving others before your own self will stop the present evils, therefore, we also must follow her example. She spent hours in prayer as she believed that work could not be done without God's love and grace," he said.

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